
Hey everyone, I have been planning on writing a new post to come back for a while but haven’t found anything really exciting to write about – That will motivate me (If that makes sense). However, last week, something very special happened. My brother graduated and this may not seem like a big deal to anyone but it is to me, my family and my friends that have watched him grow up.

My brother has Autism.

For those that don’t know, Autism is defined as “a lifelong disability which affects how people communicate and interact with the world.” This definition comes from the National Autistic Society.

Autism can be a challenge sometimes but I honestly don’t know how I would have turned out without it in my life. Most people write off others with Autism, their “spastics” and “retards” (Just many of the reasons I hate these words.

My brother has been written off all his life. We were told he would never talk or be able to ride a bike, never be able to go to a mainstream school, let alone graduate from college.

Last week that happened. He graduated. And I’m so so proud of him. He passed barriers that were put in his way, he overcame things that people said he’d never be able to do.

I’m not going to lie, this is down to a lot of the help that he has got from family and friends, teachers and really cool professionals. – Part of the reason I love working with kids is so that I can help make a difference like people have helped to make a difference to my brother.

I am so proud of you buddy. I love you so much. You’ve shown everyone that with handwork anything is possible.

So, keeping it short and simple, that’s it for this post. I’m too proud not to write anything.

So for now – Have a good weekend and keep smiling. Much love – Ally xx